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The Future Cities Laboratory (FCL) Global Engagement Platform is here to integrate research efforts through a comparative data repository, data management, digital literacy, design thinking, teaching and learning for collaborative inquiry with stakeholders.

FCL-G Logo

The Engagement Platform website is built, owned and operated by:

Future Cities Laboratory Global

Singapore Hub

Singapore-​ETH Centre
1 Create Way
CREATE Tower, #06-​01
Singapore 138602 Openstreetmaps Google Maps

Zurich Hub

ETH Hönggerberg
Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5
HIL H 55.3 ETH Zurich
8093 Zurich Openstreetmaps Google Maps

Data Storage & Privacy

While we do not share any data with third parties this website uses browser cookie storage to identify logged in users and allow the usage of our content management system and linked tools. We make use of user access statistics and behaviour tracking in order to improve the user experience and embeds technologies and external content from 3rd party services and sources like Youtube or Mapbox that may store and process user data on their end.



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Future Cities Laboratory Global

Welcome to FCL Global, an interdisciplinary research programme that seeks to address the worldwide circumstances of rapid urbanisation. Our ultimate goal is to promote more equitable and livable urban futures, by bringing together Science, Design, Engineering and Governance.

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