Potential Agriterritories: Agrarian Questions under Planetary Urbanisation and Agroecological Transitions

Through analysis of several case studies in Europe and Asia, the project aims at a better understanding of processes of extended urbanisation in agricultural territories, exploring their characteristics, outlining potentials for agroecological transitions, and formulating concrete design strategies and governance models. The interdisciplinary module contains work packages covering the sustainable agroecological design and governance arrangements, novel soil ecologies, nature's contributions to people, and the impact of renewable energy extraction in agricultural territories.

Agrarian Change and Agroecological Transitions

What is the future of the manifold agricultural territories across the world that support contemporary cities? While discussions on urban sustainability have focused on cities and urban regions, agricultural territories are equally exposed to rapid and far-​reaching urban transformation processes with massive social and environmental implications, opening a research gap for agroecological territorial design.

The module aims to address the gap by analysing selected processes of ‘extended urbanisation’ in agricultural territories across Europe and Asia in three typical forms of extended urbanisation: 1) operationalised landscapes of industrial agriculture; 2) peripheralised mountain regions; and 3) enclosed and fragmented agricultural landscapes in extended metropolitan regions.

The module combines detailed qualitative analysis with quantitative geospatial analysis and modelling, thereby linking the social, political and cultural aspects of urbanisation to transformations in land use patterns, soil ecosystems and natures contributions to people. Building on analytical investigation, the module also aims to develop large-​scale urban-​territorial design strategies and governance models for agricultural territories, based on the principles of agroecology and sustainable urban development.

Upcoming Events

Event 03 2025




Deadline for application to MAS Urban and Territorial Design

Deadline for application to MAS Urban and Territorial Design

Applications for the joint MAS Urban and Territorial Design at ETH Zurich and EPFL close on March 31.

Starts 2025-03-31
Ends 2025-03-31
Registration & Signup https://www.mas-utd.arch.ethz.ch/Apply

Outputs & Media

New Delhi Region
Amt für Landschaft und Natur Kanton Zurich Advisor
Bergen School of Architecture Advisor
Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (BAFU) Advisor
Centre for Policy Research Advisor
Federal Land Development Authority (FELDA) Advisor
Harvard University Advisor
National Technical University of Athens Advisor
PTPN Indonesian State Plantation Agency Advisor
Office for Spatial Development Canton Zurich Advisor
Regional Unit of Peloponnese Advisor
Technische Universiteit (TU) Delft Advisor
University of Luxembourg Advisor
Universitas Riau Indonesia Advisor
University of Bonn Advisor
University of Patras Advisor
Université Paris Diderot Advisor
UTM Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Advisor

Research Team

Future Cities Laboratory Global

Welcome to FCL Global, an interdisciplinary research programme that seeks to address the worldwide circumstances of rapid urbanisation. Our ultimate goal is to promote more equitable and livable urban futures, by bringing together Science, Design, Engineering and Governance.

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