CACTUS (Comprehensive Assessment and Computational Toolset for Urban Solar) is a Python-based set of tools and workflows for analysing integrated photovotlaic arrays. The repository provides a set of established workflows to move from low level of detail geometry and descriptive data through the automatic design of an array and the IV-based calculation of that array.


Partial shading on PV panels

High-resolution PV assessment under Partial Shading

Tool Website:
>>> Coming soon. Stay tuned!

Corresponding Author: 
- Justin McCarty,

- J. McCarty, C. Waibel, S. W. Leow, and A. Schlueter, "Towards a high resolution simulation framework for building integrated photovoltaics under partial shading in urban environments", Renewable Energy, vol. 236, p. 121442, Dec. 2024,

CACTUS was developed as a solution to the lack of high-resolution modeling and simulation workflows for building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) design. The workflow begins within the Rhino/Grasshopper environment and moves to a simulation environment nested in a Jupyter notebook. The combination enables designers to iterate through different array designs informed by selecting one of several different BIPV technologies and assess them with physics based modeling approaches that account for the sometimes highly influential conditions of the urban environment. The workflow comes complete with a tutorial that can be adapted easily to any building type.

Using the CACTUS platform, optimal PV panelization layouts on complex facades can be generated. More information on the BIPV Panelizer page.

Simulation flow of the CACTUS platform

Published 11. October 2024 (Updated 1 week ago)

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