
Here you can find all of our current user documentation and training materials. The FCL Platform is developed as part of our "Engagement Platform" effort to create a digital space to facilitate, communicate, and collaborate scientific research.

Important: Please note that the Engagement Platform documentation is a work in progress and may contain incomplete or outdated information. Feel free to contact us anytime on Slack if you need help or additional information.

Module Survey

The module survey is used by Principal Investigators and designated Module Coordinators to report progresses on the work of their module. In particular, it is mandatory to fill the survey before each FCL Global Steering Committee Meeting happening every six months, usually in February and August. The information provided in the survey is then included in the Governing Board Report, prepared by the FCL Global Leadership before the Governing Board Meeting happening every six months, usually one month after the Steering Committee Meeting (March and September).

Access to the survey

In order to access the survey, it is necessary to be registered to the FCL Global Engagement Platform and be provied with the required level of access. (See Registration and Log-in document)

Once logged-in, the survey can be accessed by clicking on the Administation button on the top-right corner.

A side menu will open. On the section Administration click on Survey XXX (where XXX states for the 3 letters identfying your module).

The first page of the survey will open.

Note: the survey should be already pre-filled with the latest inputs provided. Please make sure your inputs are related to the current reporting period and already reported items are not repeated.

Page 1 - Module updates

In the first page of the survey module coordinators are requested to provide an update on the status of their works by including a short text in each of the given 6 text blocks:

  • Stakeholder Engagement: provide a description of the initiatives undertaken with stakeholders by including the name of the stakeholder, the date of the event, the purpose of the initiative(s) and the long-term goal of the collaboration;
  • Cross-modular collaboration: provide a description of the cross-modular collaboration initiatives, indicating the involved modules and the purpose of the initiative(s).
  • Key Highlights: provide key research achievements and module highlights during the reporting period in 3-5 bulletpoint sentences
  • Current Status: provide an overview of the module's progress with reference to its deliverables and milestones in a few bulletpoint sentences (~ 200 words total).
  • Future Steps: outline some of the module's upcoming plans in the next 6 months in ~ 100 words.
  • Problems Encountered: describe problems encountered by the module during the reporting period in ~ 200 words.

Note: remember to save the survey in regular intervals to avoid loosing your recent changes.

Page 2 - Publications, Intellectual Capital, Outreach and Events

This page captures different types of inputs and KPIs, however all in a similar manner, by filling short text fields and selecting the appropriate object in a drop-down menu.

Publication and Media Coverage

In this section the following publications are listed:

  • Book Chapter
  • Conference Paper
  • Conference Proceedings
  • Media Engagement and Videos
  • Journal Article
  • Presentation
  • Edited Volume
  • Bachelor Thesis
  • Doctoral Thesis
  • Master Thesis
  • Policy Reports
  • Working Papers and Reports

For each entity a publication title and a link to the publication shall be added in the appropriate field. From the drop-down menu on the right the type of publication shall be selected. To add additional entries, click on + Add Row.

Note: please note that only the publications of the current reporting period have to be added. Furthermore, including a publication here will not automatically includ it in the list of publications of the Module Space. To modify the Module Space, please refer to the related guideline.

General KPIs

In this section additional KPIs, as defined in the RSA, shall be reported. This includes:

  • Data, Database and Cartographic Material;
  • Design Proposal;
  • Digital Tool;
  • Models and Simulations;
  • Prototypes;
  • Typologies.

To add additional entries, click on + Add Row.

Events Organised

In this section media engagements and organised conferences and symposia shall be added. Beyond the type and name of the event, the starting and finishing date, as well as the number of participants shall be indicated. To add additional entries, click on + Add Row.


In this section workshops, seminars, courses and training organised by the module shall be included. The type of inputs reflects the ones provided for the events. To add additional entries, click on + Add Row.

Module Media Outputs

In this section 2 to 3 pictures shall be uploaded by each module. These picure shall be of high quality and represent the work done by the module during the reporting period. To add additional entries, click on + Add Row.

Note: remember to save the survey in regular intervals to avoid loosing your recent changes.

Page 3 - Network

Talent Network

In case a team member has left FCL GLobal during the reporting period, the related information shall be added here. To add additional entries, click on + Add Row.

Spin-Off Companies

In case a Spin-Off company has been set up during the reporting period, the related information shall be added here. To add additional entries, click on + Add Row.

Note: remember to save the survey in regular intervals to avoid loosing your recent changes.

Page 4 - Industry Relevance

In this page collaborations with the industry are captured. In particular Invention Disclosures and Patent Applications for each research hub (Singapore and Zurich) can be included.

Major Research Partners

In case new collaborations with organizations, entities, agencies or industries have started during the reporting period, the related information shall be added here.

Note: Partnership and collaborations are usually running based on a written contract, a Letter of Intent or a Memorandum of Understanding. In case none of these documents are in place nor equivalent stipulations, we recommend not to include the entity as a partner. This might be included in the Stakeholder engagement section on page 1. To add additional entries, click on + Add Row.

Tachnology Licenses

In case a technology has been licensed during the reporting period, the related information shall be added here. To add additional entries, click on + Add Row.

Note: remember to save the survey in regular intervals to avoid loosing your recent changes.

Page 5 - Grant Calls and Funding

In this page information on grant calls and/or public and private funding, as well as in-kind contributions during the reporting period can be included.

Submit the survey

Once all relevant inputs have been included, click on Submit Survey to issue the survey. Please note that you can change the input to the survey at any time. However the pre-filled fields will always show the latest submission.


In case of technical issue or problem while filling the survey, please post your request in this Slack Chanel

Additional Inputs in the Module Space

When completing the survey, please make sure that the information in your Module Space is also up to date, with particular attention to changes in the Team Members.

Note: to modify the Module Space, please refer to the related guideline.

Future Cities Laboratory Global

Welcome to FCL Global, an interdisciplinary research programme that seeks to address the worldwide circumstances of rapid urbanisation. Our ultimate goal is to promote more equitable and livable urban futures, by bringing together Science, Design, Engineering and Governance.

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