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Panos Mavros is Assistant Professor in Ergonomics, Design and Digital in the INTERACT team (Interaction, Technology, Activity) of the Economics and Social Sciences department. He studied Architecture at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece and Digital Media at the University of Edinburgh, UK. He completed his PhD at The Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA) at University College London, where he specialised in the perception and experience of urban spaces, focusing on spatial cognition research, and the use of psychophysiological methods, such as mobile EEG, as way to understand the interaction between people and the environment. Subsequently he worked as a postdoctoral researcher for several years at the Future Cities Laboratory (FCL) of the Singapore-ETH Centre, conducting research on the topic of Cognition Perception and Behaviour in Urban Environments. He now also serves as Co-I on the module, Architectural Cognition in Practice at FCL.
Published 06. August 2024 (Updated 6 months ago) Return ACP Module Overview