
Solar-EV-Charging aims at integrating Electric Vehicles (EVs) to enhance the deployment of Photovoltaic (PV) systems in tropical Singapore. Leveraging a large-scale GPS-based mobile phone dataset, EV mobility patterns across Singapore are predicted, with detailed views zooming into specific communities. Aligning with localized PV energy potentials, EVs can thus be optimally used as time and spatially dynamic batteries.

Solar-EV-Charging framework

Location-based data, charging patterns, and solar generation

Tool Website
>>> Under Development

Corresponding Author:
- Prof LEE Bu-Sung Francis,

Zhou, J. , Yean, Y., Dong, T., Lee, B.S., Shläpfer, M. "Investigating electric vehicle charging demand on power grid using large-scale mobile phone data." In IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC) 2024 (Best Application Paper Award)
- Zhou, J., Tan, S.X., Yean, S., Schläpfer, M. and Lee, B.S., 2023, August. "Mobility Patterns before, During, and after the COVID-19 Pandemic in Singapore." In 2023 11th International Conference on Traffic and Logistic Engineering (ICTLE) (pp. 129-134). IEEE.
- Caviezel, D., Waibel, C., Schläpfer, M., Schlüter, A. "Vehicle-to-Grid Coupled Photovoltaic Optimization for Singapore at a District Resolution". In: Proceedings of ECOS (2023). Download link.
- Schläpfer, M., Chew, HJ, Yean, S., Lee, BS. "Using mobility patterns for the planning of vehicle-to-grid infrastructures that support photovoltaics in cities." arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.15006 (2021). Download link.

- Zhou J, Yean S, Dong T, Lee BS, Schläpfer M. "Integrating Solar Photovoltaic and EVs to Decarbonizing Singapore". World Cities Summit 2024 Singapore
- Zhou, J., Yean, Y., Dong, T., Lee, B.S., Shläpfer, M. "Smoothing the duck-curve with large-scale electric vehicles with vehicle-to-grid technology." Presentation at the Future Cities Laboratory Global Conference, Zurich, Oct 2023.

High spatial and temporal variation of both solar irradiance and availability of EVs for (dis)charging

PV + EV deployment under Singapore tropical climate

The tropical climate in Singapore presents a unique challenge for renewable energy integration due to its highly variable weather conditions, including frequent thunderstorms and rapid cloud movement, which result in fluctuating PV output. In response to this challenge, the Mobility WP explores the integration of EVs with PV energy to enhance grid stability. EVs are charged using renewable energy from PV systems and act as mobile energy storage units that can discharge electricity back into the grid using Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) technology. This bidirectional energy flow is crucial for flattening the inherent fluctuations in PV generation, particularly during periods of variable sunlight. The demo showcases how this dynamic system can mitigate the adverse effects of these fluctuations, improving the overall power quality and ensuring a more stable energy supply.

Through the visualization of mobility patterns and the integration of EV and PV systems, this project highlights the synergistic potential of these technologies in urban environments, demonstrating how EVs can serve not only as transportation solutions but also as key players in renewable energy infrastructure. This integrated approach is essential for addressing Singapore's energy resilience, promoting the efficient use of renewable energy, and contributing to the decarbonization of urban transport systems.

This project will advance the understanding of how innovative energy and mobility solutions can be harnessed in the face of climate variability. With the growing demand for sustainable energy sources in urban areas, the lessons learned from this demo could inform future smart city initiatives and energy policies, not only in Singapore but in other cities around the world facing similar challenges

Published 09. October 2024 (Updated 1 week ago) Return POW Module Overview

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