Material 12: Bagasse

Waste material from sugar cane juice extraction. In Thailand it is used as renewable fuel for energy production.


This material, called bagasse, remains after the extraction of sugarcane juice. It is stipulated as a renewable fuel for electricity generation in Thailand. This has triggered ambitious land conversion. Approximately 160 m2 of sugarcane farms are needed to acquire 290 kg of bagasse, which can produce only 100 kWh of electricity.

History of the Stool

The CEA lab disassembled the old Fiat / Lancia Warehouse in Geneva with Materiuum and Anku. After building a dome with the reclaimed materials, waste material was left. These elements were integrated on the border of this stool. Anku and Müller Holzbau disassembled a rotting veranda frame, made of exotic wood. Due to the rotten part of the wood, it was thrown into the waste bin. We cut away the rotten part and discovered the beautiful red color of the original wood, which you can see in the central design of the stool.

Stool designed and built by Anku & CEA

Sustainable Development Goals

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Circular Future Cities

Potential Agriterritories: Agrarian Questions under Planetary Urbanisation and Agroecological Transitions

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