Data: How can data be leveraged to develop sustainable cyber-physical urban environments?

Data-driven approach flourishes our understanding towards urban development comprehensively.


As sustainability is integrating different dimensions (economic, ecological and social), it is important to mobilize different datasets in order to holistically develop sustainable cities. 

Factors shaping built urban environments interplay with one another. Data-driven approaches for socio-spatial interactions in built urban environments enrich the multi-dimensional understanding of the city's architectural, urban, social, environmental, ecological and economic performance. This systematic understanding of the socio-spatial performance at building, neighbourhood, district, and region scales enables us to develop predictive planning tools and frameworks for sustainable future cities. A virtual representation of a physical area in the form of 'digital models' utilises digital technologies to simulate, analyse and visualise various aspects of the built environments, such as land use, transportation, buildings, infrastructure, and environmental factors.

We now have a slew of new technologies and tools that allow us to map, track, collect, visualise and simulate various urban parameters and processes. This helps our planners, designers and urban researchers exploring and developing predictive methodologies for future cities.

Our research uses large location-based datasets to analyse the socio-spatial interaction patterns. Highly accurate sensor devices are used to collect real-world data on elements such as people's movements, air quality, surface temperature, urban elements, and wind speed. Detailed virtual models of the built environment are then used to overlay the various layers of data collected and to explore how we can maximise the potential of the designed spaces.

Urban development can be very costly in terms of time and financial investment and can have irreversible negative consequences. We simply cannot use cities to experiment with future possibilities, particularly when the impact of such experiments on society is highly unpredictable. Therefore, we use 3-dimension digital models developed from real world situations to simulate different scenarios of urban densification. We can then compare the results and outcomes of various scenarios by changing the various parameters and factors.

These models of various densification scenarios display urban forms, space organisation and street views from diverse perspectives, help us understand the interrelation between elements, and support us in making sensible decisions on implementing urban development for the future.

Solar Power and Vehicle-to-Grid Strategy

Optimisation models used to forecast solar photovoltaic capacity installation can leverage high-quality data, including rooftop/facade space availability, future technology costs, and uncertainty of key parameters to help decision-makers obtain meaningful and robust solutions.

Using Singapore as our test case, our research shows that, without accurate information, such as the risk-aversion of stakeholders, model-based predictions can be unrealistic. For example, in theory all the available space could be used to install photovoltaic systems at the most convenient time period. But in reality, when including risk-aversion, we see that installation actually happens incrementally over each time period, which gives us a much more realistic result. Model results can also be used to help us come up with the incentives necessary to achieve solar capacity installation targets.

Solar power is intermittent and most often non-dispatchable. In addition, high penetration PV leads to the duck curve problem which hinders the deployment of photovoltaics. City-scale mobile phone data can be leveraged to understand where and when the energy can be stored in electric vehicles. This will also improve the energy quality and stability.

Our study aims to use mobility patterns to understand where and when the energy coming from photovoltaics can be stored in electric vehicles with V2G technology so as to decarbonise the city. Through analysing city-scale individual mobility data, we can see the charging demand and storage capacity needed in very fine temporal and spatial detail.

Point-Cloud-Models and Flood Simulations

When looking at flooding, we integrate a number of different models, each having quite different levels of risk. One of our colleagues, for example, will use a ‘remote-sensing’ approach to understand the dynamics of urbanization and to see where key ecological infrastructures could be used to limit the risks associated with flooding. We can also use LIDAR technology, to understand the different structures of green spaces found in cities. Having different sources of data is a good start, but it is also important to integrate these different sources of information into an integrated framework. For this reason, we use point cloud models of cities. We use point cloud models to integrate flood risks and other sustainability aspects into integrated designs.

Simulation of development strategies and planning procedures enables us to predict future challenges, potential solutions, and possible outcomes, thus enhancing communication and discussion among stakeholders with a panoramic view.

Digital Twins

Data can be leveraged to develop sustainable cyber-physical urban environments using advanced analytics and modelling techniques. Digital twins, which are virtual replicas of physical environments, can be used to simulate and test the impact of various sustainability initiatives before they are implemented in the real world. To create a digital twin at the urban scale, we are proposing a resource cadastre, where information from images, laser scans or other sensor devices which are increasingly becoming freely accessible at large scales can be aggregated (in this figure Spatial distribution of building materials for a subset of buildings in Zurich, Switzerland). A detailed inventory of materials in each building, combined with digital twin technology, can enable the creation of a circular economy where waste is minimized, and resources are optimized. This approach can leverage cyber-physical concepts to design, build, and manage sustainable urban environments that balance social, economic, and environmental aspects, paving the way for a more resilient and sustainable future.

Sustainable Development Goals

Find out more about SDG's on the offical United Nations website.

Who can tell me more?

Dense and Green Cities

Powering the City

Potential Agriterritories: Agrarian Questions under Planetary Urbanisation and Agroecological Transitions

Future Resilient Systems

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