Material 16: Engagement Platform

Cyber-physical space integrating FCL research efforts and enabling knowledge dissemination


The Future Cities Laboratory Global includes 13 research modules, more than 80 researchers across a variety of academic, professional, and personal backgrounds, based in Singapore and Zurich. Our research aims to deliver tangible results for the public, for governments , and for industry. We aim to foster dialogue between the different stakeholders, encouraging and enabling the adoption of opportunities at an early stage.

In order to bring together our diverse community, and to help us deliver impactful outcomes, we have developed what we call the Engagement Platform, a digital-physical space designed to facilitate information, knowledge and data sharing among our researchers and with our stakeholders. Through the Engagement Platform the research team is able to reach a wider audience beyond academia, including external stakeholders and experts, through regular newsletters and/or blogposts, video streaming of live events featuring interviews of experts and decision makers. External stakeholders have access to the updated status of the progresses of the research, are able to interact with the research team and can find a stage to share knowledge, ideas, visions and data. Finally cross-institutional Summer Schools and Design Studios are organised and coordinated through the Engagement Platform, providing a valuable support to the students

History of the Stool

The CEA lab disassembled the old Fiat / Lancia Warehouse in Geneva with Materiuum and Anku. After building a dome with the reclaimed materials, waste material was left. These elements were integrated on the border of this stool. Moreover, Anku also builds modular structures and furniture in bamboo. The leftovers from these structures are just what was needed to make this stool the right size for the exhibition.

Sustainable Development Goals

Find out more about SDG's on the offical United Nations website.

Who can tell me more?

Engagement Platform

Circular Future Cities

Future Cities Laboratory Global

Welcome to FCL Global, an interdisciplinary research programme that seeks to address the worldwide circumstances of rapid urbanisation. Our ultimate goal is to promote more equitable and livable urban futures, by bringing together Science, Design, Engineering and Governance.

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